Where is Your Citizenship?

But our citizenship is in heaven.  And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20

From the outside it doesn’t really look like much, just a little blue booklet with a picture and some information about where you live.  How important can that really be?  Well, it is really important!  When the cover of that little blue booklet says, “PASSPORT” and you’re trying to get back to where you live!  Are you thinking about leaving the country?  Great, have fun!  Want to return, don’t try it without that little blue booklet that tells the world where you live.

For those of you who have traveled internationally, you know what I mean.  Jesus knows you by name, the government knows you by your passport.  Even though they may not recognize you by that funny little mug shot, you better have it with you!  As I prepare for a ministry trip to Mexico, I have once again reached down to that bottom left drawer in my desk to find that all important little blue booklet that will enable me to reach my destination and then return to the place I call home, the United States of America.  Then it hit me, like never before.  Where is home?

Ask Jesus, He knows!  And He is looking forward to your arrival.  Jesus said that He has gone to prepare a place for you, and one day He will return to take you home with Him!  Home!  Him!  How!  Wow!  Could it be true?  Is there really a place called heaven?  And if there is, how do we get there?  Don’t worry about calling your local travel agent, or even think for one moment the airlines can be of any help to you.  You can’t buy your way in.  It has nothing to do with what you have and everything to do with who you know!  That littleblue booklet means nothing, but the red, red blood of Christ means everything.  The price was paid, your ticket has been purchased, and you are no longer a citizen of earth, but a citizen of heaven!  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).”

The choice is yours!  Eternity is just around the corner.  The mortgage has been paid, and your home is waiting just for you.  So the next time you are traveling the world and someone asks you where you live, may it remind you that you are just passing through on your way to your real inheritance, a citizenship in heaven!

One final thought, don’t worry about that little picture in that little blue booklet, God knows your heart and your name is written in the book of life!