Prayer Can Release the Impossible!

So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. Acts 12:5

The Apostle Peter was in a very precarious situation.  He needed help and unless something miraculous occurred, death was most likely the outcome.  You may not be facing death but your situation could use a miracle from heaven.  PRAY.  Just in case you missed it, PRAY!

King Herod had brother James put to death with the sword.  Now he was going after Peter, hopefully to silence once and for all this former right-hand man of Jesus.  Peter was arrested and placed in prison.  Hope seemed distant as he was chained to guards on his right and his left.  And the church PRAYED!  It was in the darkness of the night that the light of God’s power fell upon that cold cell.  And the church PRAYED!  I think you are getting my point.  Peter needed something man couldn’t give him, a miracle!

How about you?  Need something man can’t give you, look to heaven and know that the Author of Life is listening.  He knows your name, address and even your social security number.  There is nothing you have done that has stopped Him from loving you.  There is no place you can run that He can’t find you.  Things happen when the church prays and things happen when you pray.

As the church prayed heaven responded.  God spoke and the angel arrived.  Peter walked out of the prison the same way he walked in, alive!  Timing is everything!  Do you trust the one who holds time in His hand?  Look beyond the cell and the chains that want to hold you back.  No situation is too big that God can’t help.  Stand firm in your faith knowing that your prayers have been heard and God’s answer will soon arrive in His perfect timing.  Peter saw it, so can we, the power of God’s amazing grace released in our lives through the power of prayer.

Are you praying?

If not, why not!  The Father of the universe wants to journey with you on this road called faith.  Today is a new day and God longs to hear from you.  Not because He has to but because He wants to.

Simply put, He loves to talk with you!  By the way, the next time you chat with Him, please be sure to give Him my best!