This Wasn’t Your Idea!

Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit-fruit that will last.” John 15:16

Just think about the last time someone chose you to join them in something.  How did it make you feel?  Special! Appreciated! Loved! Accepted!  Probably all of the above!  For the longest time I walked this journey of faith believing that I made this all important decision one day and chose Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.

Scripture reveals this is not the case at all.  It doesn’t start with us, but with Him!  This was not our idea, we were chosen by Jesus Himself.  Not only did He sacrifice Himself for you and me, He chose us, He set us apart, He paid the price with His red blood.  Jesus  opened heaven’s doors and invited you to be a part of the family of God.  Meditate on that for a moment, consider the magnitude of all that means.  The Son of God, truth Himself, found His way to the door of your heart and there He knocked and waited for you to open your heart and invite Him in.

Guess what, it doesn’t end there, it’s only the beginning of a journey like no other.  When God created you it wasn’t by mistake or out of boredom.  There is purpose and meaning behind everything that God does.  Not only was His plan fulfilled when you were created, He has work for you to do on this earth!  That’s rightyou…you have a God given destiny to complete and He wants to help you each and every day.  God is pretty smart!  The creator of the universe, all powerful, all knowing, the great I AM, chose you and the depth of His love for you cannot be comprehended by human wisdom.

You have been appointed to go and represent God in everything you do.  You may not fully understand that concept, but heaven does.  Take the call that has rested on your shoulders all these years.  Go at it with all your heart.  Take a leap of faith like you never have before, live on the edge of a life so dependant on Christ that nothing else matters, but pleasing Him.

As you go, there is purpose for your journey.  There is a big world looking for something.  They are looking for answers to their deepest hurts and unanswered questions.  They are longing for something to satisfy their greatest needs.  Let them see your fruit, that life giving fruit that reflects the character of Christ in the way you live your life.  Jesus said, “let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).”

Now go shine and remember, this wasn’t your idea!