Who Do You Say I Am?

Jesus and His disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi.  On the way He asked them, “Who do people say I am?”  They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.”  “But what about you?”  He asked.  “Who do you say I am?”  Mark 8:27-29

If you have a minute come with me and let’s take a walk, a walk back in time along a dry dusty road.  This won’t be just any walk.  We are going to hook up with the author of life and a few of His friends, better known as the disciples.  Jesus has this way with people, simple ordinary people just like you and me.  We know that walking is good for us.  It is even better when you walk with the Savior.  Jesus never wasted a moment on earth, His heart and mind were always focused on doing the will of His Father in heaven.  As the disciples walked, Jesus taught.  And then, out of no where, came this question!  Who do people say I am?  Ah, the disciples were ready. It was their moment to shine, to show the teacher what great students they really were.  I just have this funny feeling that Jesus was setting His friends up for question number two, the one that really mattered.

He asked, “Who do you say I am”?  This teachable moment had now turned personal.  It’s happened to me and I bet it’s happened to you, Jesus get’s personal.  Why?  Because He loves us and He is preparing us for the journey ahead.  This moment wasn’t about what others thought, it was about what they thought.  There was going to come a time in their lives when the answer to that question would be the only thing that would see them through.  The teacher wasn’t looking for an intellectual answer, but one that would come from the depths of the heart.

What about you?  How will you answer that question?  Who is Jesus to you?

When the storms of life come crashing against your door, when doubt tries to sneak in, you better be ready!  May I suggest at that moment, it won’t be about what you know, but rather who you know!  Wisdom is not a bad thing, but knowing Jesus in a personal and real way, is the only thing!  There will be challenges ahead, days that will test the very heart and soul of your character.  Are you ready for the challenge?  Satan, our evil enemy of darkness knows all too well this King named Jesus!  We need not fear him, because his fate was sealed on the cross at Calvary when Jesus said in these three words, “It is finished!”  (John 19:30)

The Father’s redeeming work was now finished.  We have been invited to experience a living relationship with the creator of heaven and earth.  His desire is that you know Him.

May I throw out this crazy idea to you?   Invite Jesus to take a walk with you and tell Him how much He means to you.  Why?  Because I know how much you mean to Him!

Enjoy the walk!