Persecution Will Come!

In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Timothy 3:12

The Apostle Paul didn’t learn this fact from some fancy book while he was attending seminary.  He learned it while standing for the Savior, who had hung on the cross for him.  Paul had experienced persecution first hand, it was real and it wasn’t going to go away.  In his letter to his young pupil Timothy, he wanted to set the record straight.  All who follow Jesus will one day experience what he experienced, the reality of persecution.

Maybe you have seen it, read about it, or even experienced it yourself.  As I write these words from the comfort of my office here in Colorado, something inside me knows that someone, somewhere, at this moment, is being persecuted for their faith in Christ.  Standing for truth may cost you dearly.  It may be a job, a close friend or even relationships with those you love that are affected.  Persecution comes when you stand up for something you believe in.  Are you willing to stand for Jesus?  No, really!  Are you really willing to stand for Jesus?  Showing up for church, being around people of like mind and giving a little money on a Sunday is no real test of standing for Jesus.  That happens in the midst of the real world.

As these days grow darker and darker Jesus warned us that the love of many will grow cold.  In today’s world you mention Christianity you may find confrontation, unbelief, harassment and even hatred.  Jesus warns us in John 15 that all of this will happen because of His name.  The world hated Him and the world will probably hate us, all because of the name of Jesus.  Which brings you and I to this defining moment in our lives.  Will our love for Christ inspire us to live for Him in the midst of the persecutions that will come?

Each of us has been called to live godly lives on this earth.  We represent His name, because of a decision we made in our hearts.  Now it’s time to stand for truth, are you ready for the challenge ahead?  The Author of Life is sending you into the world where persecution awaits.  You have been called to be light, to shine in the midst of the darkness.  Jesus did it for us, now it’s our turn to do it for Him!

May you shine for King Jesus!